Oh see cc Rider, girl see what you've done
Oh oh cc Rider, see what you've done now
You've gone away and left me, and now
And now the blues they come. Oh yes they do
Oh well I'm goin', goin' away baby
And I won't be back till fall
Oh yes I am goin', goin' away baby
And I won't be back till fall
If I find me a good lookin' woman, no no no
I won't be back at all, oh right
Now cc Rider I love you yes I do
And there isn't one thing darling
I would not do for you
You know I want you see see
I need you by my side
Cc Rider oh keep me satisfied
Cc Rider cc Rider
Cc Rider cc Rider cc rider
Cc Rider keep on a ridin' keep on a ridin'
Here it comes baby look out
Beat it all right don't lose it now
Come on come on yeah
There she comes she's oh right
She's so fine she's so right
See see come on jenny dig a ride now
Oh well I'm goin' goin' away baby
And I won't be back till fall
If i find me a good lookin' woman
No no no I won't be back at all oh right
That's the truth baby listen I'm goin' all right
Somebody told me somebody told me
I jump catch on I leave it oh right oh right ahh
(Rowberry) 1966